Wiz Khalifa
Wiz Khalifa - Keys (3 ноября 2022)

Категория: Официальный клип
Продолжительность: 00:03:55
Продолжительность: 00:03:55
Download Wiz Khalifa's Weed Farm Now → http://weedfarm.wizkhalifa.com/install
Khalifa Kush available now → http://khalifakush.com
Taylor Gang Playlist → https://fanlink.to/tgytp
Taylor Gang merch → http://store.taylorgang.com
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Follow @Taylor Gang ↙️
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Director: Andrea Saavedra @producedbydre
Production Company: Moonlight Cinema @amoonlightcinema
Executive Producer: Andrea Saavedra
Executive Producer: Kelo of Dopeness
Executive Producer: Lyric Aaliyah Thompson
Producer: Kelo @kelo_of_dopeness
Production Manager: Nataly Arroyo @natalyarroyo1111
Director of Photography: Taylor Randall @tjr_randall
1st AC: Ben Brady @mr.benbrady
2nd AC: Vanessa Elias
Steadicam: Sam Law @samlawsteadicam
BTS: Devon Trunk @devontrunk
DIT: Nick Alvarez @nocre8ivity
Gaffer: Mike Williamson
Electric: Isaac Marziali
Key Grip: Edward “Kip” Rodriguez
Grip: Zachary White
Key Hair MU Wardrobe: Elizabeth Arroyo @lizzybeesbeauty1
Office PA: Harper Royal @harperroyal
Set PA: Ryan Davis @nontute
Truck PA: Saeed Chabayta
Playback: kaidontrap @kaidontrap
Location: SP Stages @spstages
Casting: Esprit Casting @espritcasting
Lead: Chloe @chloebelle
Post House: Zwick Post @zwickpost
Post EP: Charlie Zwick @charliezwick
Post EP: Jared Kaplan @jaredvkaplan
Editor: Jon Rouzier @jonrouzier
Assistant Editor: Nick Alvarez @nocre8ivity
Color House: Company 3 @company_3
Colorist: Bryan Smaller @bryansmaller
#Multiverse #WizKhalifa #TaylorGang
Khalifa Kush available now → http://khalifakush.com
Taylor Gang Playlist → https://fanlink.to/tgytp
Taylor Gang merch → http://store.taylorgang.com
Follow Wiz ↙️
►Subscribe to channel: http://goo.gl/y3Bnno
►Snapchat - https://www.snapchat.com/add/khalifat...
►Twitter - https://twitter.com/wizkhalifa
►Facebook - https://facebook.com/wizkhalifa
►Instagram - https://instagram.com/wizkhalifa
►Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/wizkhalifa
►Website: http://wizkhalifa.com
Follow @Taylor Gang ↙️
►YouTube - https://youtube.com/taylorgang
►Twitter - https://twitter.com/taylorgang
►Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/taylorgang
►Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/TaylorGang
►Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/taylorgang
Director: Andrea Saavedra @producedbydre
Production Company: Moonlight Cinema @amoonlightcinema
Executive Producer: Andrea Saavedra
Executive Producer: Kelo of Dopeness
Executive Producer: Lyric Aaliyah Thompson
Producer: Kelo @kelo_of_dopeness
Production Manager: Nataly Arroyo @natalyarroyo1111
Director of Photography: Taylor Randall @tjr_randall
1st AC: Ben Brady @mr.benbrady
2nd AC: Vanessa Elias
Steadicam: Sam Law @samlawsteadicam
BTS: Devon Trunk @devontrunk
DIT: Nick Alvarez @nocre8ivity
Gaffer: Mike Williamson
Electric: Isaac Marziali
Key Grip: Edward “Kip” Rodriguez
Grip: Zachary White
Key Hair MU Wardrobe: Elizabeth Arroyo @lizzybeesbeauty1
Office PA: Harper Royal @harperroyal
Set PA: Ryan Davis @nontute
Truck PA: Saeed Chabayta
Playback: kaidontrap @kaidontrap
Location: SP Stages @spstages
Casting: Esprit Casting @espritcasting
Lead: Chloe @chloebelle
Post House: Zwick Post @zwickpost
Post EP: Charlie Zwick @charliezwick
Post EP: Jared Kaplan @jaredvkaplan
Editor: Jon Rouzier @jonrouzier
Assistant Editor: Nick Alvarez @nocre8ivity
Color House: Company 3 @company_3
Colorist: Bryan Smaller @bryansmaller
#Multiverse #WizKhalifa #TaylorGang