Иван Дорн
Iван Дорн - Нескорена (1 декабря 2022)

Категория: Music
Продолжительность: 00:03:49
Продолжительность: 00:03:49
Присвячується нескореній вроді вільної та незалежної. Присвячується усім, хто незабаром повернеться додому.
"Нескорена" стає офіційним гімном латвійського благодійного марафону "High Five!", мета якого - зібрати гроші для підтримки наших дітей, які зараз тимчасово перебувають у Латвії через російську війну проти України.
Усі зібрані кошти будуть спрямовані до фонду Emergency Relief Fund.
Деталі на сайті благодійної організації www.ziedot.lv
In solidarity with the Ukrainian people forced to flee the war started by Russia, charity marathon ‘High Five!’ is calling on the public to support Ukrainian children in Latvia this year. There are currently more than 35 thousand Ukrainian refugees in Latvia. According to estimates by the Ministry of the Interior, around 31% of all Ukrainian refugees in Latvia are children.
All donated funds will go 100% to the Emergency Relief Fund through the project partner, the charity Ziedot.lv, to provide direct assistance for the basic needs of Ukrainian refugee children in Latvia.
Visit www.ziedot.lv for the ditailes.
Charity marathon ‘High Five!’ will take place just before Christmas, from 16 to 22 December, for six and a half days, or 158 hours, broadcasting from a special glass studio in Old Riga, Doma Square.
‘High Five!’ is organised by ‘Latvijas Radio’ in cooperation with ‘Latvijas Televīzija’ and the public media portal LSM.lv. The project partner is the charity organisation Ziedot.lv.
LYRIC CREDITS: Alina Tsybenko, Ivan Dorn
Guitar: Sura Tomasian
Mixing: Oleksii Dudchenko
Arrangement for strings and percussion: Oleksands Ohnivets
Choir production: Constantine
First violin: Christiana Kruskop
Second violin: Agnese Kanniņa
Viola: Artūrs Gailis
Cello: Kārlis Klotiņš
Riga Gospel Choir:
Edvards Grieze, Jānis Bukšs, Esther Tauriņa, Gabriela Zvaigznīte, Katrīna Anna Vigante, Dace Maslovska, Līga Isajeva, Zane Neimane, Klaudija Brežģe and Signe Aizupiete
Recording department assistants: Reinis Bagāts, Krišjānis Geidāns
Executive producer: Mārtiņš Makreckis
Producer: Agnese ħe-Cēsiniece
Director: Zane Gargazhina
Cinematographer: Mārtiņš Šalmis
Lighting artist: Dennis Behnke
Illuminator: Arvīds Miller
Editing: Roberts Pelitis
Camera assistant: Jānis Verden
Construction: Deniss Benke, Arvīds Miller, Didzis Machs
Makeup: Agnese Biete
Drivers: Ivars Pepa, Rolands Bērziņš
DONATE TO SUPPORT UKRAINE: http://heylink.me/masterskaya_dk_ Podpisat'sya na kanal: http://bit.ly/subscribefordorn
"Нескорена" стає офіційним гімном латвійського благодійного марафону "High Five!", мета якого - зібрати гроші для підтримки наших дітей, які зараз тимчасово перебувають у Латвії через російську війну проти України.
Усі зібрані кошти будуть спрямовані до фонду Emergency Relief Fund.
Деталі на сайті благодійної організації www.ziedot.lv
In solidarity with the Ukrainian people forced to flee the war started by Russia, charity marathon ‘High Five!’ is calling on the public to support Ukrainian children in Latvia this year. There are currently more than 35 thousand Ukrainian refugees in Latvia. According to estimates by the Ministry of the Interior, around 31% of all Ukrainian refugees in Latvia are children.
All donated funds will go 100% to the Emergency Relief Fund through the project partner, the charity Ziedot.lv, to provide direct assistance for the basic needs of Ukrainian refugee children in Latvia.
Visit www.ziedot.lv for the ditailes.
Charity marathon ‘High Five!’ will take place just before Christmas, from 16 to 22 December, for six and a half days, or 158 hours, broadcasting from a special glass studio in Old Riga, Doma Square.
‘High Five!’ is organised by ‘Latvijas Radio’ in cooperation with ‘Latvijas Televīzija’ and the public media portal LSM.lv. The project partner is the charity organisation Ziedot.lv.
LYRIC CREDITS: Alina Tsybenko, Ivan Dorn
Guitar: Sura Tomasian
Mixing: Oleksii Dudchenko
Arrangement for strings and percussion: Oleksands Ohnivets
Choir production: Constantine
First violin: Christiana Kruskop
Second violin: Agnese Kanniņa
Viola: Artūrs Gailis
Cello: Kārlis Klotiņš
Riga Gospel Choir:
Edvards Grieze, Jānis Bukšs, Esther Tauriņa, Gabriela Zvaigznīte, Katrīna Anna Vigante, Dace Maslovska, Līga Isajeva, Zane Neimane, Klaudija Brežģe and Signe Aizupiete
Recording department assistants: Reinis Bagāts, Krišjānis Geidāns
Executive producer: Mārtiņš Makreckis
Producer: Agnese ħe-Cēsiniece
Director: Zane Gargazhina
Cinematographer: Mārtiņš Šalmis
Lighting artist: Dennis Behnke
Illuminator: Arvīds Miller
Editing: Roberts Pelitis
Camera assistant: Jānis Verden
Construction: Deniss Benke, Arvīds Miller, Didzis Machs
Makeup: Agnese Biete
Drivers: Ivars Pepa, Rolands Bērziņš
DONATE TO SUPPORT UKRAINE: http://heylink.me/masterskaya_dk_ Podpisat'sya na kanal: http://bit.ly/subscribefordorn