Диана Анкудинова
Диана Анкудинов - В небо (10 сентября 2020)

Категория: Официальный клип
Продолжительность: 00:03:56
Продолжительность: 00:03:56
Музыка: Слава Трибуховский
Слова: Вадим Цыганов
Аранжировка: Брендон Стоун
Режиссёр и оператор клипа: Дмитрий Шлемин @dmitryshlemin
Второй оператор: Василий Шерстнёв
Music: Slava Tribukhovsky; Lyrics: Vadim Tsyganov; Arrangement: Brandon Stone: Clip director&operator: Dmitry Shlemin; Assistant: Vasily Sherstnev
Out of my window in the silver of night,
in clouds I see a yellow moon.
It pours it's light
Millions of years
And the Earth floats
Into the fields of stars,
And below ice crust it streams
Milky River. [Milky River]
I wish I'll make it
to warm up my heart
and like a Blue Bird
I'll fly into the skies,
fly into the skies.
I wish I'll fly afar
like a Blue Bird
and relieve my sorrow
and blaze like a dawn.
I know for sure
My love is there
awaiting me at the fall of the day.
And like in youth it rains there,
summer rains.
God forgive me!
In my heart ice is melting in a blaze of dawn.
And when I'll be back, forgive me!
I know for sure
My love is there
awaiting me at the fall of the day.
And like in youth it rains there,
summer rains.
God forgive me!
God forgive me!
I wish I'll fly afar
like a Blue Bird
and relieve my sorrow
and blaze like a dawn,
blaze like a dawn. ==================================================
Диана Анкудинова (Diana Ankudinova) в социальных сетях:
YOUTUBE Junior: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgbtr4QB6kk7WadvVoYk61g?view_as=subscriber
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/dianadiva.official/
YOUTUBE LIFE: https://www.youtube.com/dianaankudinovalife
ZEN - https://zen.yandex.ru/dianaankudinova (exclusive)
VK.COM - https://vk.com/dianaankudinovaru
VK.COM (FAN) - https://vk.com/dianaankudinovafan
OK.RU - https://ok.ru/dianaankudinova
TWITTER - https://twitter.com/diankudinova
FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100027356720129
САЙТ - https://dianaankudinova.ru/
БЛОГ и ФАН-КЛУБ - https://blog.dianaankudinova.ru/
Слова: Вадим Цыганов
Аранжировка: Брендон Стоун
Режиссёр и оператор клипа: Дмитрий Шлемин @dmitryshlemin
Второй оператор: Василий Шерстнёв
Music: Slava Tribukhovsky; Lyrics: Vadim Tsyganov; Arrangement: Brandon Stone: Clip director&operator: Dmitry Shlemin; Assistant: Vasily Sherstnev
Out of my window in the silver of night,
in clouds I see a yellow moon.
It pours it's light
Millions of years
And the Earth floats
Into the fields of stars,
And below ice crust it streams
Milky River. [Milky River]
I wish I'll make it
to warm up my heart
and like a Blue Bird
I'll fly into the skies,
fly into the skies.
I wish I'll fly afar
like a Blue Bird
and relieve my sorrow
and blaze like a dawn.
I know for sure
My love is there
awaiting me at the fall of the day.
And like in youth it rains there,
summer rains.
God forgive me!
In my heart ice is melting in a blaze of dawn.
And when I'll be back, forgive me!
I know for sure
My love is there
awaiting me at the fall of the day.
And like in youth it rains there,
summer rains.
God forgive me!
God forgive me!
I wish I'll fly afar
like a Blue Bird
and relieve my sorrow
and blaze like a dawn,
blaze like a dawn. ==================================================
Диана Анкудинова (Diana Ankudinova) в социальных сетях:
YOUTUBE Junior: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgbtr4QB6kk7WadvVoYk61g?view_as=subscriber
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/dianadiva.official/
YOUTUBE LIFE: https://www.youtube.com/dianaankudinovalife
ZEN - https://zen.yandex.ru/dianaankudinova (exclusive)
VK.COM - https://vk.com/dianaankudinovaru
VK.COM (FAN) - https://vk.com/dianaankudinovafan
OK.RU - https://ok.ru/dianaankudinova
TWITTER - https://twitter.com/diankudinova
FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100027356720129
САЙТ - https://dianaankudinova.ru/
БЛОГ и ФАН-КЛУБ - https://blog.dianaankudinova.ru/