Kalush Orchestra
Kalush Orchestra - Це любов (15 декабря 2023)

Категория: Официальный клип
Продолжительность: 00:02:36
Продолжительность: 00:02:36
Ця пісня про кохання - найважливіше почуття, яке здатне змінити світ. Коли ти не бачиш нікого навколо, ти відчуваєш, що твій партнер - єдиний. І навіть у найскладніші моменти або короткий час, коли ви не разом зі своєю парою, ви все одно відчуваєте, що кохання справжнє, і це кохання всього вашого життя.
Будемо вдячні, якщо ви поділитесь своїми враженнями від кліпу та пісні у коментарях.
This song is about love, the most important feeling that can change the world. When you don't see anyone else around, you feel like your partner is the only one. And even in the most difficult moments or a short time when you are not together with your couple, you still feel that love is real, and this is the love of your life.
We would be grateful if you could share your impressions of the video and the song in the comments.
Follow KALUSH:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/kalush.official?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kalush.official?
You can buy the branded pink panama "KALUSH" here: https://www.instagram.com/panama.kalush/
Music Credits:
Lyrics: Ksenia Bersh, Ivan Klymenko, Oleh Psiuk
Music: Stas Chornyi, Tymofiy Muzychuk, Ivan Klymenko, Oleh Psiuk, Andrii Vdovichenko, Oleksandr Slobodianyk
Arranged by Stas Chornyi
Produced by Stas Chornyi
Mix & mastering: Stas Chornyi
Director: Yulya Litynska
DoP: Oleksandr Drobilko
Production SIDE
Producer: Stanislav Smyrnov
Line producer: Alexandra Orlova
1atAD: Evjena Shtuchka
Prod assist: Oleksandra Shmitt
Prod assist: Alina Manoilyk
Casting director: Masha Kruk
Actor assist: Angelina Zabelina
Set designer: Valeryia Slivankova
Stylist: Valentyna Nesavchyn
Stylist assistant: Anastasiia Kashulina
MUAH: Zhanna Boiko
Stedicam: Andrey Shmit
1AC ( 1st day): Anton Shevchuk
1AC (2nd day): Jakub Makowski
Gafer ( 1st day): Ireneusz Chojnacki
Gafer ( 2nd day): Paweł Piernik
Editor: Yulya Litynska
Colorist: Igor Pavluk
Production crew:
Vadim Mats
Nick Balaban
Ivan Orlov
Anya Makuh
Mishael Filenko
Anastasiia Godlevska
Elizabeth Pavlenko
Liliia Kozub
Ilja Zmiejew
Borys Zhovtyi
Olena Krapivina
Yuliya Kalinkina
Olha Shamovich
Special thanks - Dmytro Lakhnik
Created by ENKO X SIDE productions
Будемо вдячні, якщо ви поділитесь своїми враженнями від кліпу та пісні у коментарях.
This song is about love, the most important feeling that can change the world. When you don't see anyone else around, you feel like your partner is the only one. And even in the most difficult moments or a short time when you are not together with your couple, you still feel that love is real, and this is the love of your life.
We would be grateful if you could share your impressions of the video and the song in the comments.
Follow KALUSH:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/kalush.official?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kalush.official?
You can buy the branded pink panama "KALUSH" here: https://www.instagram.com/panama.kalush/
Music Credits:
Lyrics: Ksenia Bersh, Ivan Klymenko, Oleh Psiuk
Music: Stas Chornyi, Tymofiy Muzychuk, Ivan Klymenko, Oleh Psiuk, Andrii Vdovichenko, Oleksandr Slobodianyk
Arranged by Stas Chornyi
Produced by Stas Chornyi
Mix & mastering: Stas Chornyi
Director: Yulya Litynska
DoP: Oleksandr Drobilko
Production SIDE
Producer: Stanislav Smyrnov
Line producer: Alexandra Orlova
1atAD: Evjena Shtuchka
Prod assist: Oleksandra Shmitt
Prod assist: Alina Manoilyk
Casting director: Masha Kruk
Actor assist: Angelina Zabelina
Set designer: Valeryia Slivankova
Stylist: Valentyna Nesavchyn
Stylist assistant: Anastasiia Kashulina
MUAH: Zhanna Boiko
Stedicam: Andrey Shmit
1AC ( 1st day): Anton Shevchuk
1AC (2nd day): Jakub Makowski
Gafer ( 1st day): Ireneusz Chojnacki
Gafer ( 2nd day): Paweł Piernik
Editor: Yulya Litynska
Colorist: Igor Pavluk
Production crew:
Vadim Mats
Nick Balaban
Ivan Orlov
Anya Makuh
Mishael Filenko
Anastasiia Godlevska
Elizabeth Pavlenko
Liliia Kozub
Ilja Zmiejew
Borys Zhovtyi
Olena Krapivina
Yuliya Kalinkina
Olha Shamovich
Special thanks - Dmytro Lakhnik
Created by ENKO X SIDE productions